Every morning we ran. Even on our rest days we ran. I’ve always felt that running would ultimately be bad for me and my joints. That I would feel weaker, more brittle, or more vulnerable because of it. I only reserved it specifically for fight camps to get a boost in cardio.
In Thailand, at Dejrat Gym in Bangkok, I learned that running makes you stronger not only physically, but also mentally. I felt my calves get bigger and stronger. I didn’t lose any muscle mass (also maintained a good diet), and instead got leaner and faster. My cardio is now at one of the best levels in my life. My legs and knees feel stronger and more stable than they ever have. I also have some semblance of calves now, which I always thought was genetically impossible for me. I’m certain the extra time walking everywhere, the agility drills, and Muay Thai specific training we did after running, has also attributed to these gains. However, I’m certain that at least half of this progress could not have been attainted without running.
Running before the specific Muay Thai training (which in itself was physically and mentally testing) broke me down and built me back up. It was, its own mental and physical journey before any of the fight training had even begun. I also managed to lose 10 lbs which seems to be mostly visceral and excess fat. I feel good and strong at 37 and a huge part of that has come from stacking the running and training together. My mindset feels clearer, more focused and ready to tackle any challenge that comes my way. Running is an invaluable tool that helps to strengthen muscles, ligaments and connective tissue. As with anything else, I know that too much of a good thing can hurt. So it’s definitely up to the individual to listen to their body and build up slowly and progressively. However, running has been a part of human nature since the dawn of time, and definitely a tool to be utilized for both mental and physical strengthening.
Warriors run. If they can’t run they walk. You absolutely have to be smart about it or it can hurt you. But there’s a program for everyone.
Running for me hurts me back from the impact. I have learned to live the elliptical to replace running best it can.
Awesome job in Thailand Randy, love what you said about how running enhanced your training!
Great article. Ive been hesitant to add running but maybe the mental benefits is what I need if there’s any hesitation to add to my training.